Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

Another Chocolate Pudding

Rutinitas weekend untuk seorang pekerja seperti saya ini biasanya nyuci baju yg sudah numpuk, bersih-bersih rumah (upik abu deh judulnya), kalau lagi rajin atau ada orderan biasanya weekend saat yg tepat untuk bikin deh.

Weekend kemarin sambil ngerendam cucian, sekali lagi saya bikin pudding ini, beli croissant-nya sudah dari hari rabu cuma karena kemalasan baru dibuat pas hari sabtu-nya :).

Nggak sampai 1 jam itu pudding sudah matang, karena keisengan upload photo pudding di fb dan bb grup, banyak yg tanya resepnya, kali ini saya re-type deh resep-nya sesuai dengan resep aslinya saja ya, biar gak repot buka website si Junior Masterchef.

Callum’s Chocolate Croissant Pudding with Clotted Cream and Berries


20g butter
2 chocolate croissants
50g pistachio nuts
2 strawberries
¼ cup raspberries
1 teaspoon icing sugar
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed orange juice
Clotted cream, to serve
Custard mixture
1 egg
2 egg yolks
¼ cup caster sugar
300ml thickened cream

Chocolate sauce
2/3 cup thickened cream
80g dark chocolate 70% cocoa


1. Preheat oven to 160C. Place butter in a small saucepan, place on a low heat and cook until just melted, remove from heat. Cool slightly. Using a pastry brush, brush inside of 2 x 150ml capacity ceramic moulds with melted butter. Line base and two long sides with baking paper. Line base and two short sides with another piece of baking paper.

2. For the custard mixture, place egg, egg yolks and sugar in a medium bowl. Whisk by hand until thick and creamy. Pour in cream and whisk until mixed well.

3. Cut croissants crossways into thin slices, add to custard mixture and stir with a wooden spoon. Using a dessert spoon, spoon croissant pieces into moulds. Evenly divide remaining egg mixture between moulds, ensuring not to overfill them. Place puddings on a baking tray.

4. Place baking tray of puddings into oven and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until custard set and pudding is firm.

5. Place the pistachios onto an oven tray and lightly toast for 1-2 minutes.

6. For the chocolate sauce, fill a saucepan with water until 1/4 full, place saucepan on the heat until just simmering. Place a medium bowl over the saucepan; the base of the bowl should not touch the water. Add cream and chocolate to the bowl. Gently stir until chocolate melts and mixture becomes thick and glossy. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Using a funnel pour half of the sauce into a squirty bottle. Pour remaining sauce into a serving jug.

7. Cut green tops from strawberries, then cut strawberries into thin wedges. Place strawberries and raspberries in a small bowl. Add icing sugar and orange juice and stir with a spoon until mixed well. Set aside to marinate.

8. Remove puddings from oven and stand on bench for 8-10 minutes to cool slightly. In a mortar and pestle, grind the pistachio nuts to a fine powder.

9. Carefully turn out puddings onto a tray.

10. To serve, using squirty bottle, drizzle some chocolate sauce on a serving plate, place one pudding next to sauce, add some of the berries. Using a dessert spoon, place a spoonful of cream on the plate and sprinkle with crushed pistachio nuts. Serve jug of chocolate sauce to the side.
special for Aulia

Junior masterchef yg tadi malam ada cara pembuatan Cherry and White Chocolate Clafoutis, looks yummy dan pengen nyoba...tapi harga bahan-bahan-nya mahal ajaaaa *nangis guling-guling*, kenapa ya resep mereka bahan-nya mahal aja :'(.

Tapi saya bertekad nanti harus nyoba resep ini, mumpung di rumah bahan-bahan-nya ada, cuma tinggal almond bubuk saja yang harus dibeli. Insya Allah kalau sudah buat, diposting di sini *sambil mikir bikin-nya kapan ya*.

Happy Monday!!! 

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